Risk Management

MA Safe Soccer Athlete and Participant Safety Policy


Massachusetts Youth Soccer Safe Soccer Statement The Massachusetts Safe Soccer platform provides all Massachusetts Youth Soccer participants (players, coaches, referees, administrators, volunteers, and parents) with the tools to make their soccer experience safe, healthy, and free from emotional, physical or sexual abuse




Reporting Obligations for Adult Participants An Adult Participant who learns of information or reasonably suspects that a child has suffered an incident of Child Abuse, including sexual abuse, must immediately: a. Make a report to law enforcement AND b. Make a report to the U.S. Center for SafeSport AND c. Comply with any other applicable reporting requirements under state law. Reporting to the Center alone is not sufficient. You must report to both the Center, to law enforcement, and comply with any other applicable state or federal laws. Information about state reporting requirements is available at www. childwelfare.gov/topics/responding/reporting

